Learning philosophy
From our clinical experience, we know: Due to stressful services and constant interruptions, conducting device briefings or training courses in a hospital is often a real challenge for everyone involved.
Our experts and didactics professionals have therefore designed a blended learning training concept that fits the realities of everyday hospital life and provides all users of CARL Technology with the appropriate know-how.
To achieve this, we rely on the findings of current learning research and a great deal of interaction in order to replace pure factual knowledge with real practical competence. In this way, essential training content stays in mind and can be recalled in the field.
The training program was developed as part of the EU-funded CIRDinnova project in cooperation with the University Hospitals of Linz, Rotterdam, Freiburg and the University Heart Center Freiburg - Bad Krozingen.

Multimedia learning platform
The learning platform of the CARL Academy covers the training needs for all users of different professional groups and levels of knowledge:
By means of short, multimedia learning units, you specifically learn the content of relevance within your field - whenever and wherever you may find the time.
By means of short, multimedia learning units, you specifically learn the content of relevance within your field - whenever and wherever you may find the time.
For an insight into our training materials, watch the video on the right or test an interactive e-learning course.
Interested? Then sign up now. Free of charge and without obligation.
Classroom training
For the safe use of the CARL Technology, detailed device training is essential. Therefore, in addition to our learning platform, we offer customized classroom training for physicians, perfusionists and nursing staff.
The respective courses are held in the training center of the CARL Academy in Freiburg, Germany. The focus of the sessions is on comprehensive simulation training including troubleshooting and professional exchange as well as a presentation of CARL Therapy in collaboration with clinics.
Get fit for the CARL application on patients and feel free to send us a training request.